Industry reminded to be vigilant with Category 2 and Category 3 burns

KAMLOOPS – The BC Wildfire Service reminds our industry partners to remain vigilant when carrying-out Category 2 and Category 3 burns. Valley bottom areas continue to be dry as a result of persistent drought conditions from the previous year. Under the current conditions, and when done properly, Category 2 and 3 burning is still safe to continue at this time, but as always the safe use of fire must continue to be top of mind.


The BC Wildfire Service is asking industry to be mindful of the following:

  • Ensure your Burn Registration Number for Category 3 fires is still valid and up to date.
  • Ensure all open burning is properly contained and monitored to ensure that fire does not grow and escape due to changing weather conditions.
  • Ensure you review the new Open Fire Policy 9.12 that became effective as of March 31, 2024.


This time of year also presents an increased risk of holdover fires occurring. It is paramount that all previously completed burns have been fully extinguished. This is a friendly reminder to revisit these previously ignited burns before your burn registration number expires.


The Kamloops Fire Centre is having ongoing conversations about implementing future open burning prohibitions, while we continue to monitor conditions closely. Prohibition information will be shared by email, on the website and on the BC Wildfire Service’s Twitter and Facebook pages.


Industry-caused wildfires are completely preventable. Remember that if you see or cause a wildfire, you have an obligation to report it, take action with available resources, and extinguish the fire if it’s practicable to do so. Please ensure that you carry out your industrial operations in accordance with the Wildfire Act and the Wildfire Regulation.


Smoke and fire reports are being received by the Kamloops Fire Centre due to burning and if a report of an open burning violation is made, Compliance and Enforcement is obligated to investigate.


It is important for forest industry personnel to recognize high-risk activities and ensure they are using the weather station data for the area of operation and adhere to shutdown formulas outlined in the province’s wildfire regulations. To view the Fire Danger Class Report, please visit our website at and click on “Fire Danger Rating”.


As a reminder, all Category 2 and Category 3 open fires must comply with the Environmental Management Act and the Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation. This requires individuals to not only check local venting conditions prior to lighting a fire, but to also understand what Category Area your burn is carried out in along with all other obligations associated with these regulations.


The BC Wildfire Service appreciates the continued efforts of the forest industry and other partners regarding wildfire prevention and wildfire reporting. Due to the ongoing co-operation of industry workers and the efforts of fire suppression crews, many wildfires in the Kamloops Fire Centre are detected early and extinguished during the initial attack phase.


This bulletin is provided for general information only, and is not to be used for operational planning or to make operational decisions. Always remember to use the appropriate weather station (with appropriate calculations as necessary) for the area where you’re operating.


To report a wildfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on your cellphone.




Fire Information Officer

BC Wildfire Service

Kamloops Fire Centre

250 554-5965